Looking at the Grading Game.

How grading got started and what it currently has turned into. It all begins with an idea. The initial thought to card grading was a good idea, an independent party to grade a card and help provide a common condition of the card for two parties to make a deal.

However, like many things, a few companies were given to much power and control in this process and the market has become so manipulated by it that common sense went out the window. Cards being given grades depending on who is requesting the grades, cards that are identical being given different grades, the same exact card being sent in multiple times receiving different grades each time, it’s just doesn’t make sense.

The real question you should ask yourself, when you purchase a card is, “do I like this cards condition?” In no world should a card have a value of 100 times the raw value because a company says it’s a “pop1”. This is called market control.

If you like a card, get it, want it slabbed because it looks cool, do it, like that little number being attached, get it, but do it because you like it, not because you think you have to in order to have a cool card.